Martine Trélaün

space is the place

Crackerjack creative director with 20+ years of experience in branding, visual communication and publishing.

My research-based practice explores the potential of design to create order and rethink conventional hierarchies of power and meaning.I studied Humanities at UC Berkeley and printmaking at the San Francisco Art Institute. I hold a Diplôme Universitaire d’Études Françaises from the Université de Nice, and a B.S. in Graphic Design with honors from San Jose State University.Clients: BAT, BD Biosciences, Chronicle Books, Knock Knock, Lululemon, Misha & Puff, Nemesis Global, Rizzoli, Sony Biotechnology, Universe, Warner Media


AIGA 50 Books/50 Covers
American Center for Design
Foundation for Living Arts in America
Les Échos
The Type Directors Club

© 2024 Martine Trélaün